Jan 20, 2023

Failing to Debug pnpm Workspaces

#programming #debugging #programming-journal

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I wish this was one of those posts where I write about debugging an issue and figuring it out. This is the other kind. Where I debug something and eventually give up.

How it started

I was debugging a Turborepo issue that came up because of a "small fix" I did in the last release. My fix was for an obscure issue that I don't even remember anymore. The fact that it broke some people's experience was rightly embarassing. So I jumped into debugging and, turns out, the fix revealed another subtle problem. So I was pretty happy about that.

Turns out that with a pnpm workspace configuration that looks like this:

  - apps/**

the double ** glob expands to all subdirectories that include a package.json file. This is wrong because because some inner directories are build directories that also have this manifest file.

The thing I wanted to debug

I know why this happens in Turborepo, but I wanted to see if this is a general issue for pnpm also. After all pnpm exec is supposed to execute in all workspaces. So there must be code somewhere that expands this apps/** glob into a list of paths!

How I did it

I set out to try this out with close to 0 experience with pnpm—my knowledge of pnpm is limited to pnpm i—but gave up for a three reasons:

  • pnpm has no top level command to just list all the workspaces it knows about.

    There is pnpm ls, but it lists installed packages (e.g. dependencies and devDependencies), not the list of workspaces.

    There is also an example on the website to use pnpm exec and use a magic PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME environment variable:

    pnpm -rc exec pnpm view $PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME

    This seems to work, but it crashes when it gets to a workspace that isn't published to npm, since pnpm view can't look it up.

    So I tried

    pnpm -rc exec echo $PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME

    But that strangely prints blank lines, as if the variable isn't set at all anymore.

  • I can’t figure out where pnpm installed on my machine is, so I can go add a console.log somewhere

    My next idea was to look in pnpm's source code to see a place where it might have a list of workspaces. I think I found it too. It would be somewhere here.

    But sadly, I have corepack installed, which creates a shim around package managers, so I can't just which pnpm my way to this source code and vim to add my console.log temporarily. (This was my favorite thing about npm i -g since the beginning, btw— that I can change source code on my machine to quick test bug fixes without going through a million toolchains to recompile / rebuild / reinstall tools)

    Halfway through reading line 16,202 of vim ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.13.0/bin/corepack (which is where the shim invokes the real thing), I realized this is madness and I don't need to be doing this.

    I have to say, having all these toolchains is cool and helpful, until it's not.

  • I can’t figure out how to build pnpm locally so I can add the console logs

    Next, I figured, I could clone the pnpm source code, build locally, and invoke pnpm from a specific location (rather than the one on my $PATH, which is installed globally through corepack).

    This is also one of my favorite parts of modern software engineering. Most codebases are on Github and I have full access to build locally. It's amazing!

    I pulled it down, glanced at CONTRIBUTING.md, which is where most projects keep their "building" instructions, and ran pnpm i && pnpm compile. This took about 5-10 mins, as each of those steps takes ~some~ time, and I switched away to other tabs in the meantime. When it was done, I couldn't figure out what had happened. Did it build the binary somewhere?

    I also tried the pnpm dev-setup command, blindly stabbing in the dark for something that might Just Work™, and this one looked like it had something to do with symlinking a local copy? I don't know, it's past midnight.

WHen each of these three tries ended in dead ends, I called it done, and wrote this article instead.

Why Write This

I write this because sometimes it's hard to remember where the time goes. I spent ~3-4 hours on debugging the custome issue and then devolving into Learning pnpm The Hard Way. I usually enjoy this part of debugging, because one thing leads to another, and at least the next step is usually visible. But sometimes you just have to stop and get some rest.

End Notes

  • This post may sound like I'm frustrated at pnpm or corepack or any of the other tools mentioned. But that is not the case! I think tools can always improve, but as someone who just had a hard time with an open source project, I believe it's up to me to suggest improvements. There are at-least-a-few improvements that I could suggest based on just this post!
  • I am pretty sure that if I looked a little bit harder, I would find the answers I was missing during this process.
  • I'm new to pnpm, but I'm pretty sure that what I refer to as "workspaces" in this post, I think pnpm calls "packages". I didn't read the docs all the way front-to-back, but I got the impression, that an entire repo is a "Workspace", and individual packages are...packages. This is also supported by the fact that pnpm-workspace.yml has a top level key called "packages". I called them "workspaces" in this post, because in Turborepo land, we also call portions of monorepos workspaces.

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